This was our first weekend since February, without any commitments.
No baseball.
No softball.
No DI.
No Brownies.
No Sunday School.
No Recitals.
No Birthday Parties.
No Company.
We considered going away for the weekend as a family, but, quickly realized all we really wanted was to spend some quality time together as a family.
We all agreed ~ no phones, no computers, no mobile devices, no television, no electronic devices. Oh what fun the kids had coming up with an agenda for the weekend.
We kicked off our weekend with dinner on the back deck (Julie's wings - corn on the cob and salad). The competitive family that we are, we then had a Hula Hoop contest, bop-it contest and water balloon toss. Of course our daughter blew us away with the hula hoop & bop-it....can't say there was a winner with the balloon toss.
We roasted marshmallows in our fire pit.
We watched fireflies & gazed at the North Star before turning in for the night.
We planned a day trip to a state beach (lake) in Brookville Indiana.
We packed for the day....aahheemmm...just a day. Look at all this stuff!
We arrived at the lake by 9:00 a.m.'ish. It was lovely. Clean beach. Lots of picnic tables. Clean bathrooms. Bath houses with hot water.
We had lunch on one of the grassy knolls. Loved watching Daddy & Lil talk boy talk!
We left the park at 4:00 and drove North to Whitewater State Beach just to be nosey. Also drove through Metamora Indiana - a quaint little town with a canal running through it. The Main Street, was lined with small shops filled with candy & ice cream. Just darling.
We stopped at Mama Mac's for pizza. A little Mom & Pop pizza & ice cream shop with red checkered table cloths. We felt like we were worlds away on our weekend away, at home.
We were almost home when Daddy exclaimed we couldn't go home without having ice cream. After all this was our weekend away, at home!
The kids went to bed with a smile on their precious faces, talking about our plans for the following day......
On Sunday, we went to Indian Lake to spend the day with our dear friends.
We swam, we laughed, watched the kids jump off the dock, went for a boat ride, saw a Bald Eagle's Nest in the top of a tree. Incredible!
We were home by 10:00 p.m., completely unpacked from our weekend away (at home), by 11:00 p.m.
Monday morning, we all agreed, it was an incredible weekend as a family ~ just what we needed.