Saturday, June 18, 2011

Eleven Years Ago Today....

.....was a Sunny Sunday.

.....was Father's Day.

.....I was blessed with my precious daughter.

Like most first time Mother's, I had many preconceived notions of what Motherhood would be all about. Starting with, intentionally planning a summer baby so I could sit by the pool with my baby while on maternity leave! Haaaaaa.

Eleven years ago today, while my husband was still asleep, I called both of my sisters to tell them I was having contractions. I also called the Dr. All of them told me, if I was walking around, talking, and was not uncomfortable, I had time and not to rush to the hospital. After all this was my firstborn!

Eleven years ago today, while my husband slept and I was having contractions, I made my husband lunch to bring with us to the hospital. I showered, did my hair, put on my makeup, put my overnight bag in the ford explorer, along with his lunch. Then I woke him up...never realizing it may be his last good nights' sleep for years!

Eleven years ago today, I walked into the brand new, Worcester Medical Center maternity ward at 10:30 a.m. and explained I was having contractions. At 10:40 a.m.I kindly gave them a urine sample after putting on my gown, as prompted to.

Eleven years ago today, at 10:45 a.m. I told the nurses I had the urge to 'push'. By the look on their faces, they thought this poor girl has no idea what she's in for. After all this is her firstborn!

Eleven years ago today, at 11:08 a.m., I held my baby girl in my arms after an all natural speedy delivery.

I loved being pregnant. I loved not knowing the sex of the baby, yet, knowing in my heart all along that we were having a precious baby girl. I loved that we were so naive, that we put her in the motorized swing when she was 3 days old.

I love telling the stories of burning out the vacuum cleaner and hair dryer from having to run them for hours while she was colic. I loved that my husband drove us around the neighborhood for hours so both baby & Mommy could sleep while she was colic.

I love the story of trying to shave my legs on a Friday night, in the shower, and starting to cry because my glasses kept fogging up and being so tired not realizing I shouldn't have 'em on in the shower. I loved that we were too naive to realize how crazy it was to go househunting in FL from MA when she was only 3 weeks old. And even crazier to think we moved to FL for a job transfer when she was 8 weeks old.

Becoming a Mom is one of lifes greatest blessings. Eleven years later, I am still counting my blessings for my precious baby girl.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

I am giddy with excitement when I think about Summer. Summer is so much more than balmy temperatures, salty air, moonlight & fireflies.

I am overcome with a sense of calm & tranquility when I daydream about summer during the cold winter months when our lives are consumed with school, homework and activities.

Now it is here and I am in my glory simply enjoying my time, with my precious peeps.

Happiness is a picnic supper in the park after Saturday evening Mass.

Happiness is weeding the flower beds alongside your peeps.

Happiness is breakfast on the deck without any other commitments.

Happiness is going to the library and seeing the excitement in your peeps' eyes as they devour a new book.

Happiness is watching your son ride his bike in the cul-de-sac 100 times, grinning from ear to ear each time he races over the curb into the driveway, waving up to me in the studio window.

Happiness is having your daughter recommend a book to you and actually enjoying it!

Happiness is realizing it's the 12th day of summer vacation and the kids haven't asked to watch t.v. or play a video game (!)

Happiness is sitting on the front stoop talking about all of our summer plans.

Pinch's Summer!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Love Hate Relationship with Designing....

One of the biggest challenges with owning a homebased sewing business is saying, "NO".

Although, no, nada, can't do it, not interested in doing it, can't justify the time doing it, races through my head, I will hear my voice saying, "absolutely, would love to, let's make it happen!"

I have a customer that has become a friend that loves to challenge my designing capabilities. It is always an adrenaline rush working with her. One year, I was blessed with sewing for her entire extended family.

I too love my latte. So I genuinely enjoyed designing this purse.

I usually spend a few days looking at the fabrics. I'll walk by and rearrange them as if I'm mussing with my son's hair in the morning. Then, WHAM, it will come to me and I hold my breath until the project is done. I have to remind myself to breath while I'm sewing!

Happy Sewing!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It all started with Mother Hen of the Hen House

Those that know me, know I am NOT a camper. Simply, I don't like bugs, odors or noise. All of which are a big part of roughing it.

So when our Girl Scout troop voted on camping at, Marmon Valley Christian Farm, for their annual overnight trip, as you can imagine, I was not thrilled.

I volunteered to drive which gave me a sense of relief knowing I had an escape plan. I knew I was in trouble when I met with the other Mom's and I was teased for wearing my sketchers and not my sneakers, for wearing my white jeans jacket instead of a sweatshirt and for wearing my bling. To my defense, most of my attire was purchased at Goodwill and I felt like I was 'dressing down'.

During the 1.5 hour drive through the countryside, I kept my smile on and tried not to think about the....

Restored Hen House = sleeping quarters = bugs
Horse Trails = manure = odors
Organized Campground = rambunctious kids = noise

What I didn't expect was the opportunity of a lifetime to watch my daughter grow. To see her for the young woman she is becoming. As my first born, I can't help but Mother Hen her and always feel the need to hover & protect.

I promised myself on this trip I would observe, rather than hover & protect.

This is what I learned.

1. During the team building challenges, she demonstrated many strong leadership skills. Yet she was also able to sit and listen and learn from others.

2. Although she has never been around a horse, she was not intimidated by their size. She was eager to learn from Wrangler Matt, groom the horses, talk to the horses. She didn't hesitate to walk amongst the horses, as if she'd done this 100 times.

3. I learned she is not afraid to stand up in front of complete strangers. During the outdoor cowboy church service, when asked if anyone has a favorite song or hymnn they would like to share, she stood up and sang, "Sing Alleluia" to +50 strangers.

4. I learned she is no longer the little girl that hides between my legs begging me not to make her participate. She held the bunnies in the bunny house. She giggled watching the goats play hide-n-seek. She explored the barns.

She walked the tight rope across the creek and eagerly scaled the rock wall.

5. I was most impressed with her ability to observe her fellow girl scouts and slow down enough to encourage someone a little apprehensive to try something new and/or cheer on someone meeting their own goals.

I met my goal. I did not hover & protect. I stood back and observed.

I came home with a happier heart for it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Fresh Start

Our family was attacked by numerous bugs during the month of December. Yes, I'm still a little bitter since all of LBs orders were done earlier this year, to allow for some fun with my peeps.

As many of you know, I'm a germ-a-phobic. My kids are questioned daily about their hand-washing practices while they are at the germfest a.k.a. school. There is one thing I learned during the month of December, no matter how many times you wash your hands, nor how many vitamins you take, nor how well rested you are and regardless if you use your own pen to sign all sales receipts and open all public doors with a tissue, it doesn't really matter - you are still going to catch a bug or two.

This Christmas will go down in history as the, "remember when we were all sick" Christmas. In the two weeks the kids were home from school, our house has been fever-free 2 days. We have had high fevers (105' is now our family record high-ugh) the adenovirus, double ear infections, strep throat, sinus infections and conjunctivitis.

We cancelled our annual Christmas eve party; mommy missed L singing in the church choir for Christmas mass, cancelled Pepere & Grandma's New Year's visit from Atlanta, cancelled several sleep-overs; skipped a few parties; cancelled several play-dates; 5 visits in 2 weeks to the dr's; and, most importantly, we all felt a little robbed for having spent our entire winter break at home with someone on the couch fighting a high fever.

But, today is New Year's Day ~ a Fresh Start. Although my sweet daughter once again woke up with a fever, she was feeling a wee bit better. After pumping her with fever reducing meds, she let me coerce her into stamping cards while we watched the Rose Parade.

The living room was completely overtaken with stamps, ink pads, glitter, glue, & paper. Yes, she was a little quiet and not her perky self, but, it was still such a delight working side by side creating our own little masterpieces.

Wishing you a happy & healthy 2011!

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