Summer Summer Summer
I am giddy with excitement when I think about Summer. Summer is so much more than balmy temperatures, salty air, moonlight & fireflies.
I am overcome with a sense of calm & tranquility when I daydream about summer during the cold winter months when our lives are consumed with school, homework and activities.
Now it is here and I am in my glory simply enjoying my time, with my precious peeps.
Happiness is a picnic supper in the park after Saturday evening Mass.
Happiness is weeding the flower beds alongside your peeps.
Happiness is breakfast on the deck without any other commitments.
Happiness is going to the library and seeing the excitement in your peeps' eyes as they devour a new book.
Happiness is watching your son ride his bike in the cul-de-sac 100 times, grinning from ear to ear each time he races over the curb into the driveway, waving up to me in the studio window.
Happiness is having your daughter recommend a book to you and actually enjoying it!
Happiness is realizing it's the 12th day of summer vacation and the kids haven't asked to watch t.v. or play a video game (!)
Happiness is sitting on the front stoop talking about all of our summer plans.
Pinch's Summer!
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